Our History

Improving the Lives of Girls and Women

The Picasso self-portrait, Harlequin with Glass, hanging in Mrs. Lorinda de Roulet's living room. Its sale in 1989 helped to found The Patrina Foundation in 1990.

A Picasso self-portrait, Harlequin with Glass, hung in Mrs. Lorinda de Roulet's living room, difficult to insure and accessible to young grandchildren. Realizing that she could put the painting to better use, Mrs. de Roulet sold the Picasso at auction in 1989 and established a foundation with part of the proceeds in 1990.

Using a nickname that had been in the family for decades, Patrina, she funded what she would hope to be a lasting family legacy.  Her son, Dan, having just read Carol Gilligan's In a Different Voice, suggested supporting girls' single-sexed education — to afford all girls the opportunity his sisters and mother had had in their schooling.  

The foundation's efforts quickly expanded beyond girls' education to include after-school programs, particularly sports.  Along the journey, the board recognized that to help girls, they had to support their mothers, as well.  This femaie-centric view has helped girls and women transform their lives, seek a brighter future, and achieve their full potential.